Monday, May 26, 2008

The Mucoid Plaque Scam

What is it? 

Mucoid plaque is a hoax invented by quack “nutrionalist” Richard Anderson. In Anderson’s words mucoid plaque is an “unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucous matter on the walls of the intestines.” A lot of bogus health companies, like Blessed Herbs, DrNatura, and Millan's Home Colonic Cleansing Kit, have capitalized on Anderson's invention in order to sell "Colon Cleansing Kits." These kits claim to "remove old accumulated waste" called "mucoid plaque" that is passed from the human body in the form of long, rubbery bowel movements.

Acually, this "mucoid plaque" is simply the result of ingested powdered psyllium and bentonite clay bonding with the natural mucous lining of the intestinal walls.

Ingested powdered psyllium and bentonite clay?

Yes – psyllium is a naturally occurring plant whose seed husks are highly absorbant and become mucilaginous (gooey) when wet. It is used as a gelling agent in products like Metamucil and has been used in manufacturing ice cream and frozen desserts as it can increase its volume by tenfold or more through absorbing water. 

Bentonite is a very absorbant clay with dozens of industrial uses such as drilling, lining landfills, cement, adhesives, and cat litter.

But why do people ingest powdered psyllium and bentonite clay?

Ingesting powdered psyllium and bentonite clay is the basis of Richard Anderson’s scam to convince health-concious consumers that their bodies are full of mucoid plaque. A lot of bogus holistic health companies perpetuate this fabrication by selling an expensive psyllium and bentonite "colon cleansing kit" that you consume over a period of a few days, often while fasting.

How does it work?

The typical colon cleansing kit requires that you mix powdered psyllium and bentonite with liquid and consume the contents over a period of a few days. As the concoction is passed through your system the psyllium and bentonite clay react and bond to the mucous lining in your intestines to form a thick, rubbery product that is ultimately passed as a bowel movement. The more psyllium and bentonite you consume, the more "mucoid plaque" you will pass. You could eat nothing, drink only your psyllium / bentonite smoothie and have 6 bowel movements a day for a month - the colon cleansing kit simply turns your body into a rubber poop factory.

A lot of people get completely scammed by these companies, buy into the "rubber poop factory kit" and then take pictures of themselves and their new rubber poop and post them online.

Wait, people really take pictures of their rubber poop and post it online?

Yes, they do. You can see some of their pictures here:

Rubber Poop Suckers at

Rubber Poop Suckers at

Why do people buy into this mucoid plaque nonsense?

Because “there’s a sucker born every minute”. We want the latest greatest cure-all, and con-artists are successful because they know how to stay one step ahead of the general consumer. Every year there are new scams, and every year consumers figure out they’ve been scammed. Mucoid plaque is 21st century snake oil.

That's a helluva business idea!

It sure is!

1. Invent an imaginary health problem (aka "mucoid plaque").

2. Invent an all-natural remedy that actually causes the non-existent health problem (aka a "colon cleansing kit").

3. Sell the health problem and the remedy to suckers for 100 bucks a pop.

Why has my doctor never heard of mucoid plaque?

Your doctor has probably never heard of mucoid plaque because she's busy helping sick people instead of staying up to date on the latest holistic health scams.

This doctor has heard of mucoid plaque though and calls it "a complete fabrication with no anatomic basis."

Who is Mucoid Plaque Scambuster and what's your story?

I too am a sucker. Blessed Herbs got me pretty good. I bought into their "Colon Cleansing Kit" per a friend's recomendation (yes, suckers know suckers) and tried it for a week.

Here's the catch though - I'm a 30-year-old male, 125 lbs, 5'7". I have about 2% body weight. There's not a lot to me - any bodily changes I notice immediately. I was eating nothing but my psyllium / bentonite / apple smoothies (the juice becomes thick fast) for days, and having 5-6 bowel movements a day. Pounds and pounds of rubbery poop ("mucoid plaque") were coming out of me. My cheeks got a little gaunt, but curiously my abdomen never fluctuated in shape. That wasn't enough to pull the holistic health blinders off just yet. But then I accidentally left a little bit of the psyllium / bentonite powder from my rubber poop kit at the bottom of a glass of water and came back a few hours later to notice that it had spiralled up in a little rubbery shape that strangely resembled a miniature version of the "plaque" that I had been passing for days. But, no, I was still proud of my new poop.

Then a doctor friend of mine called to see if I wanted to go to dinner. I told him I couldn't because I was on this new "colonic cleansing fast" to rid my body of dangerous "mucoid plaque." My doctor friend had never heard of "mucoid plaque." I was still a sucker though.

Then my sister called me. I had talked her into doing the same Blessed Herbs cleansing scam, and she was calling to say she had a sneaking suspicion that all her rubbery poop was simply the same stuff she was putting in her body, aka psyllium / bentonite / apple smoothie. I told her to rest assured there was no scam and that we knew what we doing.

No, she really thought it was a scam. In fact, she had just talked to our uncle and he had told her he had heard about these mucoid plaque scams before too. OK, fine, I thought. I'll go google "mucoid plaque" and put this to rest once and for all. Wham! Pretty much all the top results in Google for "mucoid plaque" were message board postings from people who got scammed, how doctors have never heard of mucoid plaque and how this Richard Anderson guy is a total quack.

You see, for all you non-suckers out there, it takes us suckers a while to figure out that we're a sucker. And for all you suckers out there - hey, if you want to turn your body into a rubber poop factory for a week, there are lot of companies readily accepting your $100 today.

Get scammed by

Get scammed by

Get scammed by Millan's Home Colonic Cleansing Kit.

Get scammed by Detox Hawaii.

Get scammed by MyAfya.

Get the Facts:

Confessions of a Quackbuster: Mucoid Plaque - a dubious idea

The Detoxification Myth


tlc said...

today I had what thoes "mucoid plaque" pictures look like although I am NOT doing a colon cleanse only taking physicullim seed in order to even go poo. I have been taking it for two years just so I can go. Medical doctors and any other thing I've tried won't do it. I can go as long at two to three weeks without going poo. I am NOT taking that Clay stuff that has been talked about so why then today after 2 years of taking phy seed only did I have thoes " mucoid plaque" type pictures of a poop. What is wrong with Physillum seed- no one talked me into it and its only $10.00 a bottle for three months and a person has to poop or there will be trouble, help with being confused with all the writings of the "scam" stuff. Medical doctors haven't been able to help and the next step is a colonoscipy (sp) and I really don't want to do that. Help

Anonymous said...

This blog is a great example of gorilla public relations by the American Medical Association.

Why would someone set up a blog just to discredit an alternative health treatment. A little suspicious no?

In any event, truth will triumph.

Unknown said...


I am writing because I want to find out more information about both sides of the debate. I did the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse six months ago, and want to do it again- I did feel what the blogger felt- It seemed to me like a lot of the rubbery stuff that came out could have been mostly the way the toxin absorber was binding together- that was only my feeling. Nevertheless, even if the rubbery coating is just the product you are ingesting, couldn't that also be pulling old crap out from hte nooks and crannies of your intestines with it? I don't know- but am open minded to what other people have to say. Even if it is a "scam" that the rubbery stuff is your own mucous, I did feel intense effects at the end of it- I felt better than I have after any sort of cleanse- energetic, "sexier" (I was surprised- I didn't expect to feel so much "sexier", but that's the only way I could describe it). I know that (you may respond) you can get these sort of "highs" after not eating for a while- (don't quote me but I believe I heard about this from a reputable source- those feelings of elation can come from anorexia at certain points), and of course it feels a lot better to be having regular movements when you have chronic constipation and swollen intestines (like I have dealt with)... but I can't deny I felt really good from doing it.

I also think you can put together the ingredients yourself and save a lot of money... but it is easier to have everything set-up for you.

I know there is a tendency to be critical and degrading of the opposite viewpoints (I feel like I see that a lot in blogs), but I think we all want the same outcome- health and the truth- so thank you for sharing this idea that this is a scam, since it is obviously meant in the best interest for everyone. Does anyone have more information or opinions to add?

Jason kalidas said...
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Jason kalidas said...

if M P only comes from bentonite and physillium then how is it that myself and others have had it come out without the above -just takin herbs...

Someone's Pet Terebinth said...

I did the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse last December, and it was my third cleanse. (The first two were with a different online cleansing source that I also had a very good experience with.) Here are some results you may like to consider:

Going into the cleanse I was wearing size 34 pants, and hanging over the belt. During the cleanse, a lot of that green gunk came out. At the end of the cleanse I was way thinner . . . I started wearing size 32 pants again, with a little extra room in the waist. (I'm still in a pair of those size 32's as I'm typing this.)

And one interesting fact here, is that the amount of fat under the skin was (and is) still about the same as it was before the cleanse.

So, a large volume of that dark green SOMETHING came out (which I observed as it was emerging!) -- to the point that it made over two inches of difference in waist size -- and this wasn't because of any reduction in fat.

Other benefits showed up as well . . . more energy, good emotional state, clear skin, relaxed attitude, good feelings about life (gratitude, etc.), feeling relaxed and happy in the body, and (without any effort) an actual shift in appetite, towards raw organic fruits and vegetables (like, fresh salads with garlic and olive oil).

I do notice one key thing you said in your writeup, that I *almost* agree with . . . you said . . .

"Acually, this 'mucoid plaque' is simply the result of ingested powdered psyllium and bentonite clay bonding with the natural mucous lining of the intestinal walls."

Now, I haven't been able to get inside my colon to watch what actually happens. However, the quoted sentence agrees with my understanding, except, I would leave out the word "simply," and I would also leave out the word "natural."

Because, if the cleanse theory is valid, then what's happening *IS* (just as you are saying) that the psyllium and bentonite clay are bonding with mucus that lines the intestinal walls, thus becoming that green gunk that shows up in the toilet.

But, a key point of the theory is, that in most people, the psyllium/bentonite ISN'T bonding with a NATURAL intestinal lining.

Rather -- because of UN-natural 21st Century Western diet, and because of dietary and environmental toxins, people's colons, over the years, generate and build up a mucoid layer that ISN'T natural, and which becomes the basis for a lot of different health problems -- many of which we might not think of at first as even being colon-related -- skin problems, allergies, painful emotional patterns, headaches, joint pain, acid stomach . . . if the theory is valid, then this is going to be a VERY long list of many different kinds of ailments. Because, the theory says, a pure diet and a clean, healthy colon are the physical basis for overall human health, and vice-versa.

And the theory says we can be free of many health problems, by periodically doing a fasting and cleansing process in which the body naturally sheds the abnormal mucus buildup which it put in the colon when it was trying to process toxins and undigestible "food substances” that aren't really food at all.

marcelo bermann said...

I've been doing cleansings since the 70's when Bernard Jensen pretty much pioneered the healthy colon awareness, by pointing-out that most diseases start there. I've done cleanses where I passed gall-stones painlessly, as early as 1975. I feel there is much value to a healthy diet, I love salads and prefer organic lettuce and what other organic components I can afford, I also feel meat in moderation is very important to my diet, especially if free of pesticides antibiotics and growth hormones, and if at all possible not confined to an inhumane space. Lately I've discovered that fulvic minerals are extremely important to my health, and have been taking omega 3-6-9 oils for some time...though I exercise very little, I look and feel much younger than my age. Much of it may be attributed to my immaturity, but nonetheless i am very happy and have managed to live w/o medical insurance which in this country is prohibitively expensive. I have, since 1974 had a daily routine of meditation, and i do feel that certain spiritual principals i.e. "do unto others" or "it's in giving that we receive" hold tremendous wisdom and r the key to healthy living, after all it is written that man does not live by bread alone. So, don't take anyone's word for anything, (including my own)do your research, investigate for yourself, experiment, and form your own opinion, you'll find that taking responsability for your own well-being is totally where it's at as I have, after all we're talking your body, your life, learn to enjoy it, it's worth the effort!

Sylvannah H said...

I have just completed the colon cleanse from Blessed Herbs and I have been able to eat bread, ice cream and salt for the first time in 3 years without a reaction.

My insides do actually feel a bit raw still, whilst doing the fast I felt my insides where being ripped out, but it was worth it. I no longer have headaches, sore throat, nausea, blurred vision and my skin and eyes are now clear. I have been on a restricted vegetarian diet for 3 years as I have been unable to digest dairy, wheat, gluten, sugar and salt. My doctors have not been able to help. They originally prescribed antibiotics to which left me bed ridden for 3 months and unable to eat solid foods. I have lost 3 jobs due to the severe and unpredictable symptoms of my condition, but I am glad to say that my battle with my digestive disorder is now over! I have decided to now flood my system with probiotics in order to maintain healthy digestion and aim to repeat the cleanse yearly as maintenance. I appreciate that the cleanse from blessed herbs may be over priced but it has given me back my life, something I can't really put a price on. I orignally thought that I would heal from a good diet alone, but after 3 years on brown rice, vegetables, grains, rice milk, no alcohol, sugar or caffeine I didn't heal.Diet and supplements alone do not work. I also took a worm wood tincture afte the cleanse incase there were any parasites in my intestines. Also for the first time in my life now (I'm 34) I have been going for a poo every day. For most of my life it had always been once or twice a week. As for the "Mucoid Plaque Scam" I don't know what part of it is the cleanse or is my intestine. Also I don't know if it is because I've been on a restricted diet for so long my intestines did feel that they were being ripped out when I performed the cleanse. I did have to stop a day early as I was feeling very sore. The sensitivity has gradually subsided and as I say I've now been able to digest sugar and bread without any reaction. I'm grateful that I came accross Blessed Herbs, via a nutritionist and have tried another of their product for the skin which after taking it really did work. Its up to you whether you want to use your own mix of bentonite and psyllium or use the Blessed Herb brand but I would recommend using either to anyone. Also I have performed enemas regularly to which they helped with the constipation but not my allergy. So my advice would be to carry out the lot. Good diet, supplements, colon cleanse, enenmas and maintenance.

Erica Miller said...

you really think everything that comes up in your little "google" search has all the accurate answers to all of life's questions. maybe you should do a little research beyond the internet before you go claiming that certain companies are scams?

vaporacle said...

I'm starting a colon cleansing fast. I didn't buy any of the expensive colon cleansing kits. I went to the Whole Foods store and bought a 16 oz. bottle of Bentonite and a bit container of psyllium husk all for about $15 total, so nobody is getting rich off of me. I'm a 44 year old man who doesn't have health insurance who has been feeling horrible lately and who thinks the logic about toxins in the intestines is sound logic. As I said, I am just starting, so maybe I will come back here in a few weeks and let you know how I feel.

marcelo bermann said...

when u do cleanses u wipe-out your flora, so reconstituting is something to look into

Jeff said...

A healthy colon (which most of our are) does not need to be "cleansed" any more than a healthy vagina needs to be douched.

I've had a couple colonoscopies and there ain't nothing up there. Bits of food don't get "stuck" in your colon for weeks at a time.

For the most part, just trust your body. Put healthy food into it, get plenty of exercise, have fun and enjoy your life. Don't get caught up in these anxiety-based schemes. You don't need cleanses or detox kits or special supplements, vitamins, or any of the other crap the "health food" industry tries to sell you.

We evolved on this earth to eat the food that it provides. Pretty simple, really.

Jeff said...

Ooops... typo. I didn't mean to say that most of us are healthy colons. Rather that most of us HAVE healthy colons and don't need any of this crap. (pun intended)

yep said...

Why are you so vitriolic? What do you care? have you actually done the fast?

I have come back from doing the 7 day fast of Rich Anderson's and I truly think it was the best thing I have ever done for myself.

Amongst all the other benefits,I have got rid of a massive amount of large gallbladder polyps which would have meant surgery to remove the gallbladder.

I plan to change my diet a bit (not being neurotic) to include more veg and fruit. And to do it every year, if not more often.

yep said...

"This blog is a great example of gorilla public relations by the American Medical Association.

Why would someone set up a blog just to discredit an alternative health treatment. A little suspicious no?

In any event, truth will triumph"


PS it's guerilla, not gorilla

Taco said...

Has anybody ever examined in a laboratory the 'rubber poo' that comes out during a cleansing? The poo is the proof, the poo should be examined!

Joi said...

I'm about to start the Blessed Herbs colon cleanse tomorrow - followed by the 21 day detox diet. I believe the logic behind all of it is sound - I'm going to be 31 this year and have done my fair share of drinking, partying and eating chemical and preservative filled junk food over the past 20 years. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

Unknown said...

i have used the blessed herbs cleanse and can attest that it is definitely cleaning out something. by the last day i could actually feel the mixture moving through my small intestine, a sensation i have never felt before. i was lighter, my skin cleared, my stomach was flatter and i felt better. it was worth every dollar. i am planning on doing it again...

L said...

I, for one, am thinking about trying it out. My mother had a cleansing procedure done on her 5 years ago. It was nothing like these kits. There was an actual medical nurse who inserted a tube into my mother's rear end, put some water up there and then sucked it back out; the water and everything else that came with it. There were pieces of food from years ago, as well as undisolved pills that she's taken over the years. It wasn't rubbery, but it was pretty gross. Maybe that build-up, is the so called "plaque". And she lost weight and had no trouble going to the bathroom for a while after that. I'd say it worked well.
If only she would have stuck with the Organic foods, she'd still be regilar today. But that's a whole different story.
With these systems it almost sounds like they are selling you the "brush", or the rubbery stuff, which is the combination of the two ingredients, that travels through your intestines attracting all these nasty, toxic deposits, and then it flashes them out.
What I find most important, is does one feel better after the fact? Does one start having regilar stools? Does ones' skin clear up? Because if that happens, I'll be sure to try it for myself. Sucker or not.

Anonymous said...

You may like to see my blog about doing a fast and a cleanse.

It was amazing, and although I have been eating more raw salads and much less meat since then, I haven't made any real radical changes to my diet but I have kept all the weight off which I lost (8 lbs) and I plan to do another cleanse soon.

Heal said...

This is a wonderful cleanse. Many of my patients, family, and of course myself, have been benefiting from this for years. The benefits are numerous. Now as we all know, we all must clean our bodies as we do with our cars and home. Our temple should never be left out of a good cleaning.

Have you ever done the lemonade cleanse? Well this is almost the same thing, it is just enhanced with fiber (apple pectin,psyllium seed husks). And I think we all know how crucial fiber is to our diets. So why not have some?

The stimulator has dandellion root, ginger root, fennel seed, licorice, chinese rhubarb root, Cascara Sagrada bark, English Plantain aerial parts, Barberry root, Cape Aloe vera and Triphala fruits. These have the following functions: support liver and gall bladder function, tonify the spleen and pancreas, regulate bowel movements, and overall stimulate and enhance ones digestive system. These facts have been known for thousands of years. So why not take these to support your detox? Why not take them to strengthen your digestion? How many of us experience the goodness of dandellion already? How many of us already appreciate ginger's benefits? See many of us take these things as part of our diet already...all in all, cleansing or not, This a powerful combination.

As far as the "rubbery plaque". It is a mixture of psyllium seed husks, bentonite clay, AND your toxins!! Your toxins are pulled out by this mix, and they come out of you with the mix. You see, the bentonite clay is an adsorbant that draws toxins to itself, adsorbs more than 40 times its own weight in toxins. So thank you bentonite and psyillium for binding to my toxins and leaching them out.

From my own experience, the first time I cleansed what came out of me left me in aw (and disgusted). In my routine cleanses after, I never passed what I did the first time. What I am currently passing(I am on Day 4)is nothing compared to last time, the time before that or even the first time. For a have a pretty clean diet and cleanse every year, therefore I am clean.

I do suggest that when you conduct a cleanse this powerful to do it under a supervision of a Doctor. You should be aware of 1) if your body is strong enough to do it
2) how to customize it to your condition.

for example, If you are very blood deficient you should wait and tonify your blood first. So that you may be stronger during your fast.

Since I have studied chinese medicine, I have the knowlege to customize my patients cleanses. I can for see what "cleansing symptoms" one will have. I advise certian teas,juices, and herbal formulas as a conjuction therapy. This enhances and makes the cleanse as smooth flowing as possible with the least number of "detox sympmtoms". We are all different and will experience the cleanse in different ways. Guidance of an eduacated practitioner can truely enligthen your cleanse. Based on this knowledge, I make recommendations on what foods to consume after the cleanse to rebuild YOUR body. Having a good health care provider will further enhance your experience.

Note: Do not forget to reinoculate your intestines with probiotics. This is a must do

I Hope this helps you all in your road to health!

Love and Be Well

Anonymous said...

女傭調教 女生自衛 夫妻交換 大腿內側 夜未眠成 嘟嘟情人 嘟嘟圖片 同志色教 吉澤明步 台中夜店 台北夜店 台灣同志 台灣ki 出包王女 凹凸電影 凌虐俠女 免費女同 免費女傭 免費圖片 免費同志 免費動畫 免費黃色 免費貼影 免費色片 免費dv 免費線上 -qq美美 jp素人 h文小說 辣媽寫真 辣媽哺乳 黃色珍藏 麗的線上 貼圖片區 高雄夜店 視訊kk 西洋美女 電影線上 阿賓小說 阿賓色慾 蓬萊仙山 色片直播 美女自衛 美國色片 美美色網 線上收看 線上動畫 素人寫真 素人大全 短片線上

Unknown said...

you are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Note for Jeff:

Adding hormones, toxins, and chemicals to natural foods does not constitute an "evolution" of our own natural bodies to adapt to them.

Research clearly shows (and is factually documented) that our bodies are not "evolving" to this in a good manner. The only "evolving" that is being done is healthy bodies growing "diseases".

If you are young and healthy, of course these things are not going to show up. Research shows it is prolonged exposure to these things that create the diseases that can be fatal later.

You could either call it hype or being a natural health fanatic...but I think some will agree with me it would be better to err on that side rather than the blind "evolution" theory as a more conscious effort at great health, happy current bodies, and better statistics of living LONG lives.

How many old people do you see living today (70+) that didn't concern themselves about their health or exercise or are obese or are even currently smoking? Of course there will be a few...the population is in the millions...however, take time to speak to them, ask questions. You might be surprised.

Anonymous said...

I'm no bio-chemist man (what ever the technical term is) and I'm pretty much open to this debate, so if either party are placing their claims on the validity of this product, then a chemical test should be preformed on the products going in one orifice and another test from the product(s) produced out of the other. Surely this will determine if there is a comparison to settle this debate.

Action Baby Gift Ideas said...

realy your post"Research clearly shows (and is factually documented) that our bodies are not "evolving" to this in a good manner. The only "evolving" that is being done is healthy bodies growing "diseases".

If you are young and healthy, of course these things are not going to show up. Research shows it is prolonged exposure to these things that create the diseases that can be fatal later.

You could either call it hype or being a natural health fanatic...but I think some will agree with me it would be better to err on that side rather than the blind "evolution" theory as a more conscious effort at great health, happy current bodies, and better statistics of living LONG very educative and i indeed agree with you.

Sarah said...

Thank you for this article. I totally agree with you. I took powered organic psyllium husks 2 teaspoons in a glass of water 4 times a day. After 2 days I got the same results as the photos on the Internet. Only difference was I did not take other herbs to cause the discolouring. If you don't drink enough water with psyllium it can cause problems with constipation, it also is not meant to be taken by people with asthma. I personally believe that psyllium should not be used in colon cleanse ingredients and that the "mucoid plaque" invention is a bit of a con. A healthy colon has mucus on the lining, it's dairy products that cause the over mucus production and the build up start early in life with the other misconception, cows milk!

Trust Your Inner Guidence said...

I went on a 21 Day Fast in Thailand Where I only had Physillum Husk and Bentonite Clay, Juices and other tinctures and yes I had the Rubbery plaque come out. But tell me this then Mister blogger. Why on the 16th Day did that rubber turn into a smaller latex type texture and on the 17th day disappear and the following 3 days I never saw it again. I had not changed the routine all the way through for 21 days???. You could not have had a better scientific study than what I went through.
The current food industry is full of toxic chemicals and preservatives that are killing us.
Please if you are reading this Blog Start now make a change, they only have to be small steps into making your life healthier and more positive. If it feel right you are on the right track.

Alex don said...

Thanks for sharing this sites.

opening plaques
commemorative plaques

Unknown said...

Well I have had a "mucoid plaque rope" thing come out of me using "Lady Soma" and that does not contain bentonite clay. It just contains psyllium husk and some other herbs. So, does just the psyllium cause mucoid plaque? That doesn't make sense...

florasproducts said...

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Living From The Soul said...

Nice try but when you leave the stuff in the jar it stays tan. What comes out is black and smells ungodly. The 'plaque' is a combo of the psyllium and the lining of the intestine which is where the color and stink comes from.

Karen said...

I had a long rope like thing come out of me when I did a colon cleanse with NO bentonite clay. How do you explain that? The colon cleanse was 7 days. I had normal bowl movements until the 5th day and that is when the rope came out. If what you are saying is true, ropes would have come out everyday because I was doing the colon cleanse everyday. But it only came out the one time. It was a foot long, black, with dangaly things and smelled unlike anything I've ever passed. I know that it was lauged in my colon and came out with the colon cleanse.

Zara said...

Fruit, nuts & seeds are what we are designed to eat.

TalkingMonkey said...

Sounds like you might have tapeworms. See a doctor.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

They have no answers so they must discredit any others that might be on to something that will make us healthier! There’s no money in cured citizens only sick ones!! If we could trust our government to help us be healthier, they wouldn’t allow what they allow in our foods, water! What did Africians do back when there wasn’t any doctors, hospitals, drugs? They didn’t need them because Nature gives us what WE need to live and be healthy! Only when people invaded and brought poison to that continent and stole blacks from their natural habitat that we became ill! Took us away from out diets!

Unknown said...

It's funny because everyone arguing with the blogger is only using personal anecdote as evidence to this scam. Y'all are so quick to back up this scam without any scientific evidence to back up what you're saying or this scam. But you know, simple research on the topic shows that the material you put in your body makes this disgusting binding of poop and you idiots just keep on believing it. Humanity never fails to disappoint, I feel sorry for all of you who take part in this colon cleansing shit.

Craft Well Man said...

I am so glad to see this post.
Design Your Own Plaque
Etched Plaque

Anonymous said...

My thought exactly!

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